Friday, July 6, 2012

Beloved Chicco passed away yesterday, July 5th, 2012

A mantra: Chicco, Pippo, Chiccomio, Chicchetto, Chicchettin, Tato Pippo, Chicco Pippo, Pipetto, tesorin, animettamia, tatin, Chiccomiomiomio, Pipi, Tatomio, il mio cagnetto... the several names for beauty, gentleness, elegance, friendship, tenderness...

Only a dog, folks?!?!

Chicco has been my best friend, my blonde hair four-legs brother for the last eleven years... his limited vocabulary was used soooo well, poetically and effectively: his hugging at my hand, every, EVERY morning we spent together... his moving ears, his smile... yes!!!... he was a lesson of expression and feeling parsimony, straightness and sincere friendship and purest love poured between us every day I spent with him...

He was possibly suffering and not in good shape - always non lamenting, unfortunately - since before we, my wife, Chicco and myself were so in need of some vacation... when we arrived at the seaside, he wasn't eating at all, and also his sooo loved peeing and sniffing and always so elegant walking around wasn't anymore...

He vomited a couple of times and looked REALLY sick... he only looked at me with his eyes, not searching for my hand as he loved to do, our beloved physical contact we both loved so much... I sometimes held his padded arm in my hands for looong minutes, and he moved it slightly, like he was dreaming, of sniffing and walking at the park... so sweet, tender and complete, pure sense of happiness... last Monday we brought him at a clinic where the diagnosis was "heavy kidney disease"

I left him at the clinic in tears and visited him every day... Chicco was faaar more important than stupid sun-tanning...

Yesterday morning the mobile rang and the doctor told my wife Chicco was dead...

I shamelessly screamed and was in tears... we drove to the clinic and picked him up... he suffered and I wasn't there when he died...

I drove back home yesterday and buried him in our garden, between two trees... and drove back to my wife, a 2.200 km round trip in less than 24 hours...

Chicco has been my pal and we lived in symbiosis... I was sick without him and, I believe, vice-versa...

Someone out there will smile at my silliness... I LOVED HIM A LOT LIKE I WILL NEVER DO AGAIN IN THIS LIFE... his little, sweet heart stopped beating unison with me and my wife yesterday at about 8 A.M.

... only a dog?!?

No, my Chicco, my beloved little lamb, my pup... I'll miss him enormously... cannot stop being in tears.


  1. i've very sorry to hear about this. i know the feeling and i offer my most sincere condolences.

  2. Non si cura di chiedersi se abbiate torto o ragione; non gli interessa se abbiate fortuna o no, se siete ricco o povero, istruito o ignorante, santo o peccatore. Siete il suo compagno e ciò gli basta. Egli sarà accanto a voi per confortarvi, proteggervi e dare, se occorre, per voi, la sua vita. Egli vi sarà fedele nella fortuna come nella miseria. E' il cane!
    J.K. Jerome

  3. We've had many a family pet die, and it never gets easier to deal with the grief.

    The passing of time will help, but Chico will forever be in your heart, and the heaviness of never seeing him again will never quite leave you.

    Your only solace is that you loved him and he loved you, and that will always be.

  4. I am very sorry for your lost.

    Trieu from Texas

  5. Thanks for empathy, dear Trieu!

  6. Thanks, John, Andrea, Unknown...
