Sunday, November 20, 2011

U.S. Green Hill and the beagles puppies killing-factory... a shame!

Few days ago, the italian ex-minister Brambilla, notoriously a pet and nature lover, almost an activist, visited a lager-like death-factory in Montichiari, near Brescia, Northern Italy... american Green Hill, breeds here thousands beadles dogs used for experiments and extremely paunful surgeries for medical purpouses.

They "produce" these guinea-pigs for laboratories of whole Europe... THE problem is no animal is a stone, and when people at the channell/lager compared dogs to chickens, they were double-folds wrong, as also chickens are worth attention and consideration... and, most important, cancer and other diseases won't be over with those poor pups sacrifices.

Let's blame Green Hill's death and vivisectioning ugliness... it's against our beloved pups and against Life... Brambilla's showed new born pups and ther mums... they only share few days together... it's a truly barbaric practice!

I STRONGLY blame this and the awful conditions those people leave dogs... a jail with shit-mixed to bad food on the bare floors, neon lights tweleve hours a-day and crying and lamenting all the day long... employees wear ears-protections... and dogs?

Who are THE animals?!?!


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