Wednesday, September 28, 2011

... again about Tim de Paravicini and the art of open-reel recorders modding...

... making "them" (sound) better...

Read an interesting essay and interview with the old Master... something deja read, BUT, nonetheless, still technically mass/market overlooked or, sadly, forgotten, so worthwhile re-reading to better, deeply understand.

BTW... looking at one of his (modified) Stellavox' on-top of a Revox G-36 (see pix)... I still consider my own G-36 "De Paravicinized" as my best (please note bold letters) recording machine... sonically better than my Studer B-67, Telefunken M-15A, Nagra IV-S/QGB and Stellavox SP-7 (please forgive me for my Chip'n'Dale open-reel collecting syndrome I suffer since my boyhood;-)): more headroom, and overall master beauty... de gustibus, of course, but feel I'm not wrong;-)... the best playback machines are Telefunken M-15A and Stellavox'... than the others... this for hit-parades lovers... and for myself, as well, as - shame on me - I don't spin a single tape-reel since months and months ago!

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