Thursday, June 10, 2010

Garrad 301 with new flywheel, belt-driven!!!

Here is something cool, folks... a French artisan gave to the mighty Garrad 301 (but also to the 401) a new soul, as it can be ran via a large flywheel and - instead of using the vulcanized rubber intermediate wheel - using a belt... yes... a belt on a 301!

My friend Alessandro - owner of the black, one-of-a-kind 301 - who sent to me the pixes I'm showing, told me he's VERY satisfied with the final result...

Will investigate... Pierre Riffaud's site

1 comment:

  1. To me, the beauty of the Garrard is the incredible torque that the idler brings to the party. Rumble has never been an issue for me, but all of those TD-124 fans out there can't be wrong. Sounds like fun.
